Friday, 9 April 2010

9th April 2010

This is Peggy, my new baby ginnie pig :) how cute is she?!!
I rescued her this morning. She was dropped by her original owners and she broke her leg in two places...they took her to the vets but couldn't afford the cost of an amputation so they said for her to be put down...the poor thing! Well I just couldn't have I said I would pay for the bill and keep her myself :) She is having her leg amputated on Monday but for now she is at home with me! She is the so lovely, she sat in my hand earlier and licked me!!! I love her already!
I named her in peg the leg..ahaha!
She has made me so happy today :) hopefully she will act as a great distraction for me!

Thursday, 8 April 2010

8th April 2010

I feel so shite today and I really don't know why. It has been quite a good day. I saw my psych earlier, first time for a few weeks because she was on annual leave. I mentioned to her about my plan of going to Australia and she seemed pretty up for it! I am so pleased about this because there has been so much talk of sectioning me lately...I thought they would stop me from going. I am excited but so bloody scared aswell. I know it is a mistake to go there thinking 'this is going to fix everything' but I can't stop myself from thinking that. I mean, if this doesn't work then what the hell will? Anyway I have a little bit of time to think about Australia, I am not going to rush into anything.

I am really hungry. Just purged the tiny bit of dinner I had...really don't want to binge tomorrow but I have a feeling I am going to. I havn't binged for 2 days though :) I know that is pretty pathetic but when I usually binge multiple times a day, it is good. I've got to keep strong, I have got to keep this up.

Anyway it's late now, better get some sleep.


Monday, 5 April 2010

5th April 2010

Woo, I became a moderator of anamiafriends today :D a great site that offers support to anyone suffering from eating disorders!

I am so happy, it's great news so I thought I would share!!


Friday, 2 April 2010

2nd April 2010

It has been a rubbish day today!!

I've been working all day and the shop was so bloody quiet...people just do not shop over easter! It actually turned out to be the longest day of my life, it dragggggged and draggggged and draggggggged some more lol. At least it was double pay though :)

Another thing to add to the rubbishness is that my friend is really pissed off at me because I keep on cancelling meeting up with her
:( She sent me some really short texts earlier. I feel bad cancelling the whole time but I just can't be bothered to talk to her. I know that sounds absolutely terrible but it requires so much effort to socialise!

I'm working again tomorrow...great :/
